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Here We Go Again…. Year 2!

January 10, 2016 • grubbkay

With the first day of build season over and done its time to reflect on Stronghold!

Yesterday was a busy day filled with strategy, design, and building! We analyzed point distribution and value. Through our discussions we decided that being able to consistently cross a defense and possibly score in autonomous was the most valuable. Through analyzing the defenses, the consensus was that we should have large wheels that would be able to cross multiple defenses such as the Moat, Ramparts, and Rough Terrain. With most of the defense obstacles we have figured out a way to overcome them, either individually or with the help of an alliance member.

Through this analysis our design goals where more thought out. We wanted to make sure that we had a bot that would be able to consistently go under the low bar, as a reliable way to get from the Neutral Zone to the Courtyard and back. This limited our height to a peak of 16”, with the angle of the ramp the front and back of our robot have to be less than that. To accomplish the Cheval de Frise we wanted an arm that would push all the boards down so we could drive over them easily. We are hoping to make this arm a wedge like piece that will lift the Portcullis just enough for us to drive under it. We choose to go with 8” pneumatic wheels to give us increased clearance while going over the Rough Terrain. The only defense that our robot with questionably get over is the Rock Wall, we will see how it does after we get our prototype going.

We have gotten the drive base completed, we choose to go with the AM14U3 base from Andy Mark. We installed a basic drive train program on it and completed a full roborio control system test. We ended the day beginning to work on the build manipulator and the electronics board.

We have also reached 100 followers on our twitter page, so make sure to follow us @team_redacted

Check out our Day 1 update video here and meet our team members here with this video!


Ellie Gets Inspected

January 12, 2015 • Eric VanBuren

Here is our robot going through a mock inspection. Note it is mainly concerned with the dimensional aspects and not a complete inspection.

TeamRedacted C++ Robot Code

January 8, 2015 • grubbkay
We’ve posted the code for our 2015 Robot – Ellie – on GitHub for anyone that wants to peruse it. Again we chose the command based subsystem. The gripper open/close functions are commands attached to joystick buttons and used during autonomous. Additionally a forklift and drive command were added for autonomous use. One thing to note the autonomous drive command is very simple, it allows us to choose a speed for each side of the robot and an amount of time to run – you can use this kind of setup to accomplish turns or arcs as well. in our case we backed up in a wide arc using only a little reverse speed on the left wheels and a higher reverse speed on the right wheels. All of those commands were simply strung together into a command group to make an easy autonomous sequence that we tweaked until it worked.
github repository link:

Full Practice Match Video is Up!

January 8, 2015 • ceolson

Hello everyone!

As a part of our robot reveal video shoot on Monday night, we decided that we wanted to run a full practice match (with timing) to see what the difficulties of driving and manipulating during a match would be. Turns out that it is tough to stack totes and recycling bins multiple times (with precision) in the 2:15 tele-operated robot manipulation time period. We hope that this video is helpful to teams and will give you guys a better idea of some of the challenges that we’ll all face when building our robot to play in matches this season!

Stay tuned for our robot reveal video and our detailed design discussion –both are coming in the next few days! #omgrobots #ri3d


January 6, 2015 • Eric VanBuren

Our internet has been restored and we will start shortly.

Final thoughts delayed

January 6, 2015 • Eric VanBuren

Due to a internet outage our livestream of our final thoughts will be delayed to aprox 8pm pacific.

Goodbye Ellie! Hello Q and A!

January 5, 2015 • grubbkay

Day 3 of TeamREDACTED’s livestream has ended for the night! We had to say goodbye to Ellie as she was taken appart at 10:22pm PST in order to give her parts back to the teams that so graciously allowed us to borrow them the first 2 days of build season! Thank you everyone for tuning in and watching our videos! Here is our schedule for tomorrow, Tuesday, January 6th, 2015:

At 6pm PST (9pm EST) we’ll begin to livestream our team debrief session where we’ll be planning for our Detailed Design Review video shoot.
At 6:30pm PST (9:30 EST) we will open up our livestream to all questions anyone may have. Someone will be monitoring the stream for this Q&A and feeding us the questions.
At 7:00pm PST (10:00pm EST) we will transition into shooting our Detailed Design Review video which we will upload on the 2015 Ri3D YouTube page.
Please do ask questions during the livestream starting at 6pm and we’ll go through as many as we can!
Thank you all for watching! We had a ton of fun building Ellie. See you tomorrow evening! Cheers!

Final Build Update!

January 5, 2015 • grubbkay

Watch us put the final touches on the robot! Next to come is the reveal video!!

Ellie’s First Stack!

January 5, 2015 • grubbkay

Watch Ellie stack her first set of totes!!

We Recycle!

January 5, 2015 • grubbkay

Learn what we used from last year to create this years robot and game peices!