We are Team [Redacted] and are about to embark on our FIRST season of participating in the insanity that is Robot in 3 Days. The idea behind Ri3D is to create a (mostly) FRC legal robot to play the upcoming season’s game as a resource for those teams in need of some assistance. We would like to thank the Ri3D crew in welcoming us to the fray.

We would also like to thank our sponsors that are making this possible. AndyMark, RevRobotics, Competition Robot Parts, and course the people created Ri3D.

A special thanks to PNW FIRST/Washington FIRST Robotics and their staff for the use of the WFR Fieldhouse as our build space, especially at a time when they are busy preparing for the upcoming JrFLL, FLL, and FTC events. We would also like to thank them for the use of the video and streaming equipment so that we may share our build with you.


Washington FIRST Fieldhouse while building the road cases for the PNW district